ADHD Help: Books, Blogs, and More

Unlock the power within with ADHD Wizard’s curated collection of books and video summaries, designed to guide individuals living with ADHD towards a more fulfilling and empowered life.

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Trusted by numerous ADHD individuals

Jessica Simon

This company offers an extensive and helpful range of resources that have greatly improved my understanding and management of ADHD.

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Our Team

Once upon a time, a group of passionate individuals with personal experiences of ADHD came together to create adhd wizard, a learning blog dedicated to helping others overcome the challenges of ADHD with a sprinkle of informality and a whole lot of compassion.

Jamie Morrison

With my deep understanding and personal experience with ADHD, I lead the charge in providing valuable resources and strategies to help individuals effectively manage their ADHD challenges.

Annie Hofstadter

As the CTO, I utilize my technical expertise to create user-friendly platforms and innovative solutions that enhance the accessibility and usability of our ADHD resources for our users.

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We’re not just another ADHD resource, we’re your go-to guide for conquering daily challenges and finding success.

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